France, Strike, Level 2: Indefinite transport strikes from 1 September for several parts – France [Update 1]

Update 2022-08-31: Strikes are scheduled to take place in Pau on Thursday (1 September), while in Lille the first strikes are planned for Saturday (3 September).

2022-08-31: According to sources, the coalition of Transport workers and unions of France scheduled an indefinite strike from Thursday (1 September), covering comprehensive parts of the country, to protest against low wages, poor working conditions and chronic understaffing. However, the cities of Bordeaux, Nantes, Lille, Pau, Dijon, Lyon, Orléans, and Rennes are expected to be most affected. As a result, services will significantly be reduced, and commuters may face disruptions.
If the strike proceeds as scheduled and is followed by enough workers, local traffic disruptions are to be expected. Before and after official strike hours, disruptions are also possible due to organisational reasons. Travellers should schedule additional time for their journey.